Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Hello Lovelies!

I have a question for you this week, and by the title of this post, you can probably deduce that it has to do with the social media site, Tumblr. My question, which I'll expand upon and love for you to answer later (I'll tell you how, promise!), is this: Would you like me to return to updating my Tumblr feed?

I originally started a Tumblr blog to create short fiction based on erotic/pornographic pics and scenes I found on other peoples' feeds. I did enjoy that for a while, as it was good writing practice, but I soon found that I was getting little to no feedback/comments on my stories. It felt like I was writing only for myself, which is not a bad thing, but I soon found I was focusing on these stories rather than my other, more important writings. Therefore I stopped creating those shorts (though you can click here to see links to each of them), but continued posting (or reblogging would be the more appropriate term) pictures and scenes from other Tumblr users--mostly erotic (okay, pornographic) images that turned me on. 

Basically, if I start posting again, it'll be pretty (HOT!) pictures that I, and therefore I hope you, enjoy. I'll also link blog posts, my new releases, and other occasional things to my feed. I'd love to connect with other erotic authors. Tumblr isn't the most interactive of the social media sites, but I'd love to reblog book and story posts from other authors.

I know the main answer is: If you enjoy it, do it. Otherwise don't. And that's the best advice, but I do have other outlets that will make me just as happy. Basically I want to continue on Tumblr if there will be some interaction (even if it's as simple as sharing reblogs) with some of you lovelies. When I was doing this before, there was none, so it became boring. As in could have been fun, but wasn't. So you see why I'm asking.  

So let me know. Reply to this blog post, vote in this Twitter Poll, or tell me in a mention or DM on my Twitter feed. I'd love to have fun on naughty Tumblr again, but only if it'll be somewhat interactive! (And if I decide to play on the naughty side again, please let me know what your page is and I'll follow you!)

Until next weeks, Lovelies...

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